Together for better local air quality

Within the LIFE CityTRAQ project, six partners are working together in order to improve our local air quality. Thanks to information from traffic censuses and air quality measurements, we can detect and measure air pollution and simulate the impact of possible measures on the mobility network.

Why CityTRAQ?

According to the WHO, air pollution remains the largest environmental health risk in Europe. Air quality limits are often exceeded, exposing a large portion of the population to air pollution. Europe and Flanders already have several initiatives for measuring air quality, but these initiatives often adopt different approaches or methodologies.

Policymakers face the challenge of reconciling the various datasets in order to implement science-based air and mobility policies.

Purpose of the project

The CityTRAQ project gives local governments a better understanding of the measurements needed in order to assess air quality.

The screening and scenario tools help local governments to devise measures for improving local air quality. Accordingly, they create a better environment for residents. Local governments are also encouraged to flesh out their policy choices in an air policy plan.

Screening tool

Policymakers can identify locations (hotspots) with poor air quality.

Scenario tool

Local governments can calculate the impact of a particular measure on air quality (for example, a car-free street).

Find out about the pilot projects


City of Antwerp will work on logistics and heavy traffic in the CityTRAQ project, together with the VMM.


Bruges commits to the development of a sustainable measurement network throughout the city.


In Ghent, the impact on air quality is measured in a school street and circulation plans are evaluated.


Air quality projects are being launched, taking into account the lessons learned form the pilot projects in Flanders.


The participating partner cities of Antwerp, Ghent, Bruges and Zagreb are already up and running!

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CityTRAQ in Europe


LIFE CityTRAQ is commissioned by the European Commission within the LIFE programme led by Flanders Environment Agency.